
We've Moved!

Well, not physically, but virtually.

BeYellow has run its course.

What started as a way to log our travel adventures in Guatemala and beyond in 2006, evolved into a defender of innocent human life and authentic Catholic identity, before ending up as basically a what-the-kids-are-up-to-now journal.  We've been contemplating pulling the plug for a while, as blogging dropped more and more on the priority list, and posts became fewer and far between.  While it wasn't outrageously expensive, it also seemed silly to be paying "GoDaddy" to power the whole thing.  We didn't like supporting them anyway, given their morally repugnant ad campaigns.

So why start a new blog?  Well, for starters Google's "Blogger" is free.  It's also much more user friendly, which will hopefully encourage us to move it up the priority list a few notches.  We are torn, because we know the digital age has brought so many distractions and noise and made it harder for us to hear God, and it's certainly easy to waste a lot of time on the internet.  At the same time, however, we feel Catholics need to have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and the blogosphere.  So the new blog is our small way of answering our grandpapa Benedict's call for the faithful to "introduce into the culture of this new environment of communications and information technology the values on which you have built your lives" (24 May 2009).

So reset your bookmarks to DomesticChurchMilitant.blogspot.com.
(See our About tab for an explanation of the name.)

What to expect from the new blog?  We're not sure.  We'll see where the Holy Spirit takes it.  We place it under the patronage of St. Padre Pio and of our other media-savvy heroes like Venerable Fulton Sheen, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and St. Francis de Sales.  As you can see, we've put a few holdovers from BeYellow as tabs at the top.  Also, this time our sidebar is full of websites, articles, books, resources, tracts, and other blogs worth taking a look at.  Hopefully we will be able to share many adventures and joyful family moments, and "an account for the hope that is in us" (1Pet. 3:15).  Simply put, we want to share our search for what is true, what it beautiful, and what is good, and that search requires the inverse: exposing what is false, what is ugly, and what is evil.  We invite you to enrich and sharpen our search/journey with your comments, questions, suggestions, or even challenges and criticisms.  Let's speak the truth in love, and help each other fulfill the purpose for which we were made.  Nothing else matters!

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